Garlic, Herbs and Olive Oil


One of the easiest things to do is to bake heads of garlic and bunches of herbs in olive oil. This is an easy “recipe” that I keep in the refrigerator and use all week. Spread the caramelized garlic on a crusty loaf of bread, use the oil to fry eggs in the morning or incorporate the oil and garlic into Sunday dinner mashed potatoes — the options are endless. Easy.


  • 4 heads of garlic

  • 1 1/2 cups of Cut1886 olive oil

  • Fresh herbs — thyme, oregano, basil, rosemary, peppercorns and/or bay leaf

Peel garlic. Put into ovenproof pan (I use small loaf pans) with herbs. Add in olive oil and bake for 60 to 80 minutes in a 250 degree oven. The smell alone is heaven.

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